Live a Healthier Life
Providing Education and Care Information for Patients With Diabetes
Live a Healthier Life
Providing Education and Care Information for Patients With Diabetes
How did MyDER Inc. get its name?
We have a company name that fosters a personalized experience for people with diabetes. MyDER, stands for My Diabetes Education Resource, and reflects our commitment to the patient-centered approach. We are committed to facilitating the educational needs and care of everyone with diabetes.

What is our Mission?
Our mission is to create digital solutions that will provide diabetes education, care, and community services to help people living with diabetes.
How do we plan to execute our mission?
To find a viable solution to barriers in the diabetes space, it is important to comprehend how they affect the diabetes community. MyDER Inc. is committed to understanding the challenges that people face in obtaining diabetes information and care. That’s why we are conducting research to create the best solution that will help you easily obtain diabetes resources and education. We want to include you in the process by hearing from you. Please click the link below to take our survey or visit the Research page for more information about our study.